Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Heavy Rain

Sometimes life gets tough, and we feel that "When it rains-it pours." Now you can rest assured that you can overcome moments like this.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Teachers and Students Create a Caring Community

Image result for hal urban

Hal Urban

"I'm convinced that the key was good relationships.  If you can reach 'em, you can teach 'em."

My #1 goal at the beginning of each school year was to create a Caring Community in each of my five classes.

Greet students as they enter the room. Shake their hands, smile, and call them by name. If I don't know a student's name, ask them, "What is your name?"

Read the entire article
The Classroom as a Caring Community

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Teenage Challenges and The Ultimate Solution

A great article just came out about the Top 10 Social Issues that Teenagers Struggle with. As I read through these Top 10, one overarching thought continued to weave through my mind: A CTR Person doesn't experience any of these ten struggles. Being a CTR Person prevents all of these challenges.

The Top Ten Challenges are:

  1. Depression
  2. Bullying
  3. Sexual Activity
  4. Drug Use
  5. Alcohol Use
  6. Obesity
  7. Academic Problems
  8. Peer Pressure
  9. Social Media
  10. On-Screen Violence
Read the complete article by clicking here.