Thursday, December 27, 2018

Teachers and Students Create a Caring Community

Image result for hal urban

Hal Urban

"I'm convinced that the key was good relationships.  If you can reach 'em, you can teach 'em."

My #1 goal at the beginning of each school year was to create a Caring Community in each of my five classes.

Greet students as they enter the room. Shake their hands, smile, and call them by name. If I don't know a student's name, ask them, "What is your name?"

Read the entire article
The Classroom as a Caring Community

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Teenage Challenges and The Ultimate Solution

A great article just came out about the Top 10 Social Issues that Teenagers Struggle with. As I read through these Top 10, one overarching thought continued to weave through my mind: A CTR Person doesn't experience any of these ten struggles. Being a CTR Person prevents all of these challenges.

The Top Ten Challenges are:

  1. Depression
  2. Bullying
  3. Sexual Activity
  4. Drug Use
  5. Alcohol Use
  6. Obesity
  7. Academic Problems
  8. Peer Pressure
  9. Social Media
  10. On-Screen Violence
Read the complete article by clicking here.


Saturday, December 22, 2018

Life Planning Goals Journal

“Aim for the highest”

Andrew Carnegie

Why are Goals Important?

“People with goals succeed
because they know where they’re going.”

Earl Nightingale

”Goals determine what you’re going to be.”
Julius Erving

“In life, as in football,
you won’t go far, unless you know
where the goal posts are.”

Arnold H. Glasgow

“A man without a goal is like
a ship without a rudder.”

Thomas Carlyle

“Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued.”

Without goals you will just drift to and fro, left and
right, whatever direction the wind blows you. When you have goals, you have power; you look forward to each day; you feel excited; you use your time wisely; you accomplish more; you feel good about yourself; you like yourself for what you do; you are taking your talents to a higher level; and you enjoy peace of heart and mind. 

Sometimes we feel like our goals are far away and hard to see, like this basketball goal, such that it seems almost impossible to make a long shot, to realize a distant goal. We feel like our goals are too remote and fuzzy to even consider, too difficult to achieve. Rest assured, students, that if you set and commit to the achievement of these, and other academic goals, you will definitely “score” and reach your goals if you persist each day, one day at-a-time. Working toward your goals each day is like dribbling down the court, getting closer to the basket, and then scoring. Your daily pursuits bring you closer to making your goals. Keep focused on your goals, and shortly you can score many points. Reaching a goal is like scoring a point. Keep aiming, shooting, and scoring-reaching your goals.  You CAN do it!!!!

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”

--Bill Bradley