My Life Planning 100+ Goals
A Lifetime Project
- Get a composition book (or any perfect-bound journal) and label it "Life Planning"
- Put your name on front cover of your Life Planning book
- Think of several immediate, short-range, and long-range goals you would like to achieve. Write 100 goals inside this life planning book and number them
- Read your goals DAILY for at least 5 minutes AND report in your Life Planning 5 Minutes page
- Add more goals to your Life Planning Goals list as you think of new goals
- Write VICTORY in the left margin beside a goal when you achieve it
- Bring your "Life Planning" journal to class each time class meets
- Visit 100 Life Goals and read
- Visit Antwon Davis 100-Life Goals and read
Six Principles for Outstanding Success:
1. Set Goals. Carlyle said, "A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder." One of the things I’ve learned about success from all the reading I’ve been doing is the importance of thinking big, setting goals, and programming your subconscious mind. One of the ways I’m doing that is by creating a list of some of the accomplishments I plan on achieving, including some BIG ones.
2. Visualization / Imagination. Stephen Covey said, "Live out of your imagination-not your history." Napoleon Hill, in ‘Think and Grow Rich’ said “What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve”.
3. Self-Talk. Your Self-Talk creates your reality.
In the ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’ David Schwartz goes into the importance of having big goals, of constantly telling yourself that you can achieve them and that you will achieve them. He goes into the concept of having two different voices in your mind, the negative – which tells you why you can’t do something, and the positive, which will tell you how you can. It’s up to us to decide which one we are going to listen to. Whichever we start concentrating on will be the one we hear. It’s time to start talking to ourselves about something positive instead of listening to our negative.
3. Self-Talk. Your Self-Talk creates your reality.
In the ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’ David Schwartz goes into the importance of having big goals, of constantly telling yourself that you can achieve them and that you will achieve them. He goes into the concept of having two different voices in your mind, the negative – which tells you why you can’t do something, and the positive, which will tell you how you can. It’s up to us to decide which one we are going to listen to. Whichever we start concentrating on will be the one we hear. It’s time to start talking to ourselves about something positive instead of listening to our negative.
4. Your Sub-conscious mind. Jack Canfield said, "Your subconscious mind is your spiritual or universal mind, and it knows no limits except for those that you consciously choose." Orrin Woodward, in ‘Resolved’, gives really good examples of the programming of the subconscious mind when talking about how TV commercials affect us. When we see commercials over and over again, it is essentially brainwashing us to think of those products when we are out shopping. we can remember theme songs from shows that haven’t played on TV for years, and probably some tag lines from really old commercials. By having some big goals, we can essentially brainwash ourselves to achieving them.
5. Repetition: Read your Life Planing Goals at least 5 minute daily. Mark Victor Hansen said, "What we think about comes about." "The more we think it, the quicker we get it." What all the really successful people say, is that you have to envision your goals in your mind over and over again if we are to achieve them. Creating this list is not going to be enough, but it is a start. The next step will be to play a commercial in my mind over and over again of what it will be like achieving them. For example, one of the things on my list is to be earning enough money to leave by job and not work again, so I’ve written out what my last day at work will be like, and I think about it when I wake up, and when I go to bed. By picturing the achievement over and over again in your mind, you will start making decisions that will eventually lead you to your goal
It was important to make some of these goals BIG. If we only set small goals, we will probably only achieve small goals.
For Example: One Man's 100 Goals & Dreams
- Find that special girl (yes, still single)
- Leave my job (without needing another!)
- Have kids
- Pay it forward with something big 3 times, like in the movie – but with things or services worth at least $10000
- Start a school that teaches kids how to live a successful life, teaches people skills, and teaches them to think for themselves;instead of to not take chances, and only how to be an employee of someone else’s successful life
- Help someone else earn enough money to no longer need a job
- Get to the point of earning $1 million a year (in 2012 dollars!!)
- Mentor someone into helping someone else get their time back (leave their job)
- Help someone through a difficult situation in their life
- Get a cottage out in the woods by a lake. Have a zip line or Tarzan rope over the water
- Write a book (will probably be a mix of both freedom and leadership principles, with some economics of course)
- Influence politics enough to reverse the state of decline in my country – start giving freedoms back instead of taking them away,start raising our standard of living instead of forcing its decline.
- Own my dream house (haven’t decided all the attributes yet…)
- Donate $1 million to finding a cure for diabetes (this is self serving, so it doesn’t count as charity)
- Donate $1 million to different charities (over time)
- Be a recognized economist
- Go to space (it will be happening by the time I can afford it!)
- Buy an Island, or own piece of one with friends
- Speak on a stage in front of thousands of people – and be comfortable with it!
- Be in a movie
- Go on the Oasis of the Seas Cruise
- Get in shape!
- Own a yacht
- Bring my parents on (a) cruise(s) [() because they are divorced]
- Vacation in Maui
- Spend a week with my girlfriend on a yacht, out at sea (get to really know each other… and be on a yacht!)
- Host/Sponsor a family reunion in Hawaii for a week
- Vacation in the Maldives Resort
- Vacation in Bora Bora
- Get an archery range in my back yard (when I have a house or cottage)
- Learn a martial art
- Learn to sword fight
- Ride the top 10 craziest Roller-coasters in the world
- Own a Lamborghini …the real dream car
- Get an Air Hockey table (big one!)
- Own a Nissan GTR (this will be a baby step towards my real dream car a few years later)
- Learn to play guitar
- Go see Nightwish in Finland (hopefully with the orchestra being live!)
- Attend all the final games in the world cup of hockey (and all other Canadian games)
- Watch Olympic hockey live – all the medal rounds!
- Visit my family in Calgary
- Get one my favourite groups to play at a celebration of mine (birthday, retirement, etc) - preferably Nightwish
- Get elected into parliament with a party I can support (will need to start a new one if it doesn’t first appear…)
- Rent a castle with a bunch of friends and hang out for the weekend
- Vacation in Las Vegas for one month (spent two days there – twice… 1 month might not even be enough!)
- Travel across Europe – without a car
- Vacation in Carcassonne, France
- Vacation in Finland (spend a month)
- Go to the Ludwig von Mises Institute and take a course in person
- Vacation in London, England
- Bowl a perfect 300 game (in a regular game!)
- Get my bowling average above 200 for a season
- Go scuba diving (especially the Great Barrier Reef!)
- Go surfing (and learn how!)
- Take a ride on a fighter jet
- Go skydiving
- Go jet skiing
- Play in the WSOP championship (final round)
- Drive a race car (on a race track)
- Drive on the Autobahn ( I like to speed…)
- Visit 10 medieval castles
- Vacation in Paris, France
- Travel across Australia
- Vacation in Japan (spend a month)
- Go see a sandcastle competition
- Vacation in Venice, Italy
- Vacation in Rome, Italy
- Get a motorcycle (ride one first!)
- Learn to Kayak
- Swim with dolphins (this will happen on my Oasis of the seas cruise!)
- Go to a BIG medieval fair
- Sponsor the Great Canadian Board Game Blitz finals, providing some REALLY nice prizes
- Read 500 books on leadership and personal development
- Learn how to ski … I’ve skied before, but I want to do it while knowing what I’m doing
- Spend the whole Olympic Games at the winter Olympics.
- Explore the ocean on a submarine
- Go camping for a month with friends… will require #2 first I think
- Vacation in Norway
- Complete an authentic medieval knight Halloween costume (got the chain mail shirt and coif, sword and bracers already, though I would like better quality)
- Get to the finals in a huge board game competition (I’ve done it in the Great Canadian Board Game Blitz)
- Own 100 board games (that I like to play!)
- Build a Calvin & Hobbes style snowman scene
- Take bowling lessons from a professional
- Learn how to play golf
- See a volcano
- Go on a cruise across the Atlantic
- Go on a helicopter ride
- Go bungee jumping
- Go hand gliding
- Go to a celebration in a limousine (will be part of #4)
- Ride in a hot air balloon
- Drive from the 19th hole at the Legends Gold and Safari resort in South Africa
- Go bobsledding
- Go on a Safari
- Go down one of the worlds longest zip lines
- Go horseback riding again, as an adult (learn how first!)
- Go to Lego land
- Fly on a Global Express
- Walk across the Great Wall of China
- Get 1000 followers on my blog (feel free to help!)
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